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我国建时速400公里高铁 助力'一带一路'互联互通

作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2017-05-11 字体: 手机浏览

China is working on next-generation bullet trains with a maximum operational speed of 400 km per hour that will be ready by 2020 for markets linked to the Belt and Road Initiative, the country's top railway vehicle maker said.


"We will apply new materials in the research and production of the future high-speed trains, such as carbon fiber and aluminum alloy, which will help reduce weight and enhance energy efficiency," said a senior engineer at the China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation.


The new trains will be able to reduce per passenger energy consumption by 10% compared with high-speed trains that can run 350 km per hour.


Once available, by around 2020, the new trains are expected to promote regional connectivity and create new business for China and overseas economies through the Belt and Road Initiative, he added.


Feng Hao, a rail transportation researcher at the National Development and Reform Commission, says the 400 km/h high-speed train project would help many heavily populated countries switch from a long dependence on automobiles.


"Because many markets along the Belt and Road Initiative, especially in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Eastern European countries, are planning to build high-speed rail lines or to upgrade their existing railway systems, they are eager to gain technological support from China to assist in daily operations, maintenance, staff training and other services," Feng says.



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