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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2018-07-05 字体: 手机浏览

Shanghai will launch a "green passage" for non-Shanghai graduates from Peking and Tsinghua universities to apply for city residency, or hukou, through Dec 31, according to a newly released regulation. 根据一项最新颁布的规定,上海将建立北京大学和清华大学本科毕业生可直接落户上海的绿色通道,受理时间延至12月31日。 Shanghai authorities made public their latest regulation on Aug 3, stating the city will explore a green passage mechanism to bring in graduates from high-level universities, using Peking and Tsinghua for the pilot program. 上海相关部门于8月3日公布了它们的最新规定,提出以北大和清华为试点,探索建立本科阶段为国内高水平大学应届毕业生可直接落户上海的绿色通道政策。 The city has a points system for non-Shanghai students to apply for the city's hukou, measuring kinds of conditions of the graduates, and the lowest score should be 72. 上海对非本地学生申请上海户口实行积分制,衡量毕业生的各个条件,最低分应为72分。

According to the regulation, graduates still have to meet standards set by the city, but the application period was extended to Dec 31. 根据该规定,毕业生必须得满足上海市设定的标准,但是申请期可延至12月31日。 However, some students from the two colleges said the policy is still "not enough" to attract them to work in Shanghai. 然而,这两所大学的一些学生表示,该政策仍然不够有吸引力。 Some netizens even argued that giving preferences to graduates from PKU and THU in Shanghai household registration may create privileges for the special group, which undermines fairness in society. 一些网友甚至认为,允许北大和清华毕业生优先落户上海是在为他们创造特权,这有损社会公平。



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