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作者:第一作文 来源:未知 时间:2020-04-13 字体: 手机浏览

1 、我喜欢你,要不你做我的女朋友吧!

I like you, or you will be my girlfriend.

2 、承诺,欺骗了所有沉在爱中的人。

Promise, deceive all those who sink in love.

3 、我爱你,来自口腔,不经心脏。

I love you, from the mouth, without the heart.

4 、我长得不漂亮,但是未必能看得上你。

I'm not beautiful, but I may not be able to see you.

5 、心到痛处,谁还卑微的挽留。

The heart to the pain, who is also humble to stay.

6 、习惯就是一切,甚至爱情中也是如此。

Habit is everything, even in love.

7 、谢谢你,那么忙,还亲自伤害我。

Thank you, so busy, and personally hurt me.

8 、我们都曾被滚烫的爱情,蒙蔽了双眼。

We have all been blinded by hot love.

9 、习惯了卑微,就再也高贵不起来。

If you are used to humble, you can no longer be noble.

1 0、有时候疏远,不是讨厌,而是太喜欢!

Sometimes alienation, not hate, but too like!

1 1 、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。

Thank you for your smile. I've been in a flurry for years.

1 2、缘字只是借口,爱也是,不爱也是。

The edge of the word is only an excuse, love is, not love is also.

1 3 、你不是最好的,但有你真好。

You're not the best, but it's nice to have you.

1 4、爱情总在风雨前,分手总在风雨后!

Love always before the wind and rain, break up after the wind and rain!

1 5 、你的名字,是我最擅长的情书。

Your name is my best love letter.

16 、巧巧,我就是那坨最有营养的牛粪。

By a coincidence, I'm the most nutritious cow dung.

1 7 、热水放久了都会变凉,何况这是爱情。

Hot water will cool down after a long time, let alone this is love.

19 、为你尘埃落定,是我三生有幸。

I have been blessed with your dust.

2 0、见你一面也好,缓我挂念让我心安。

It's good to see you, and let me worry about it.

2 1、晚安一过,我又多爱了你一天。

Good night, I love you a day more.

2 2 、原来时光一直都在,只是我们在飞逝。

The original time has been, but we are flying.

2 3 、一辈子很短,我愿意和你将错就错。

My life is very short, I would like to be wrong with you.

24 、如果爱是场误会,谁让我能回到完美。

If love is a misunderstanding, who let me return to perfection.

2 5 、恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。

Love makes people strong, but it also makes people weak.

2 6、其实任何人的相爱,却只是一瞬间。

In fact, anyone's love is only a moment.

2 7、那就由我陪你,看遍所有会笑的星空。

Then I'll accompany you and see all the stars that laugh.

2 8 、坚硬的城市里,容不下柔软的爱情。

In a hard city, there is no soft love.

2 9 、万里何愁南北,两心那论生和死。

Ten thousand miles to worry about the north and the south, the two heart of life and death.

3 0、在这个陌生的城市里,我学会了独立。

In this strange city, I learned to be independent.

3 1 、只想要知道你的想法,却成了奢望。

Just want to know what you think, but it's a luxury.

3 2 、只要看到你,我就会莫名的安心。

As long as I see you, I will be inexplicable.

3 3、我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

I need him, just as I need to breathe air.

3 4 、我喜欢的人啊,他有一身的温暖。

I like the person, he has a body of warmth.


