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作者:第一作文 来源:未知 时间:2020-11-24 字体: 手机浏览

1 、草率成婚,后悔莫及。

Marry in haste, too late for regrets.

2 、忽视职业便是放弃职业。

To ignore the job is to give up the job.

3 、若要求知识,须从勤苦得。

If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.

4 、事事及时做,一日胜三日。

All the time, one day is worth three.

5 、胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱。

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

6 、倘不互相尊敬,爱亦难久持。

If you do not respect each other, love is difficult for a long time to hold.

7 、为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。

In order to seek knowledge, the price is high, but also worth.

8 、不知水之深浅,不可粗心淌河。

I do not know the depth of the water, the river can not be careless.

9 、不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

Cannot do as they wish, and do the best they can.

1 0、人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

The voyage of life is full of opportunities and challenges.

1 1 、活着感到快乐,世界就属于你。

Live to be happy, the world belongs to you.

1 2、技术拙劣的工人抱怨自己的工具。

A poor workman quarrels with his tools.

1 3 、在这个世界上,我是独一无二的。

In this world, I am unique.

1 4、从生到死,生命是个简短的旅程。

From life to death, life is a short journey.

1 5 、就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

Is lost everything else, but also the future.

16 、经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

Experience school tuition is high, fool next to learn not to.

1 7 、知识之于精神,一如健康之于**。

Knowledge is to the mind what health is to the body.

19 、只工作,不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2 0、生活是一所学校,我们都在这里学习。

Life is a school, we are all here to learn.

2 1、家就是一个我能关起门来独处的地方。

Home is a place where I can be alone.

2 2 、有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.

2 3 、给朋友剥个无花果,给坏蛋抛只大坏桃。

Peel a fig for a friend and toss a bad peach to a bad guy.

24 、因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。

Procrastination is the thief of time is a waste of time delay.

2 5 、机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。

Now or never; a chance, never again.

2 6、人生就像坐过山车,只要不掉下来,就会有起有伏。

Life is like a roller coaster ride, as long as it does not fall, there will be a volt.

2 7、人的一生就是在爱与恐惧之间挣扎时交织出的画面。

Man's life is a picture of the struggle between love and fear.

2 8 、什么都想一次做完,结果一件也做不完;贪多嚼不烂。

What would a finished result, one can't finish; can chew.

2 9 、人生是一条没有尽头的路,我走着,走着,不断地走着。

Life is an endless road, I walk, walk, keep walking.

3 0、我们所谓的人生只是一篇廉价物品商店里听来的传奇故事。

What we call life is just a story of a bargain.

3 1 、由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。

Wisdom which is learned from experience is better than learning; a personal experience is more than two times of teacher education.

3 2 、不怕路远,就怕志短;不怕缓慢,就怕常站;不怕贫穷,就怕惰懒;不怕对手悍,就怕自己颤。

Far not afraid, afraid of short; slow not afraid, afraid often stood; afraid of poverty, but lazy lazy; not afraid of fierce rivals, afraid of his quiver.


