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  • 暑假实习 Summer Internship


    As the summer vacation came, I felt so excited, because my mother had applied a job for me. I would work in a printing shop. This was my first job and it was a good chance for me to gain experience. Though my work was not that important, I... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 生活在小城市 Living In the Small Cities


    Many years ago, many people fought for their dreams in the big cities. They felt proud to work in the big cities, but now, the situation has changed. When students graduate, many of them choose to work in small cities. On the one hand, they... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 六一儿童节 Children's Day


    Today is Children's Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We don't have class and all we do is to enjoy the games. I play Ping Pong game and win many awards. I like th... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 关于亲情 About Kinship


    I was born in a big family. There are five people in my family and I have two sisters. What’s more, my father has three brothers and sisters, so when the family gets reunion, and the whole families come to have dinner, it looks like a big... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我因我班而自豪作文800字


    草地上,留下我们尽情跑跳的身影;教室里,留下我们努力学习的身影;生活中,留下我们互相关爱的身影身处这样的班级,我感到十分自豪! 一年一度的学校田径运动会召开了。我们尽情释放自己的激情和能量。开始进行女子1500米长跑比赛了,我们班的运动员正在场... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国我为你自豪!


    中国我为你自豪! 五千年的梦想, 你至终实现了。 中国我为你自豪 每当国歌响起的时候, 每当国旗飘扬的时候, 我的心情便涌出无限的自豪, 因为我知道中国有打破了新的辉煌。 中国我为你自豪 是屈原的诗歌,是鲁迅的文章。 是中国运动员, 赢得世界冠军的金... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我曾经自豪过


    我曾经自豪过 一学期又快结束了,我曾经得意过、遗憾过、也自豪过。当然最令我印象深刻的是我自豪的事儿啦! 叮一阵清脆的闹钟声吵醒了我,我兴奋地起床,做好一切准备,激动地,高兴地跑向学校。太棒了,今天又一年一度的游园活动! 刚进教室,我心理突然冒... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我自豪我是中国人作文400字


    我自豪我是中国人作文400字 仿佛一幅艳丽的图画,我的祖国,你是多么美丽,这么多大好河山,我骄傲,我是中国人;仿佛一位活了五千年的老者,我的祖国,有着悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,我骄傲,我是中国人。 从秦始皇统一六国到清王朝被辛亥革命推翻,上下五千... [ 阅读全文 ]
