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作者:第一作文 来源:未知 时间:2021-02-10 字体: 手机浏览

1 、像你这样的人生,一定要给差评。

Life like you, must give bad review.

2 、你真是个不可一世的主,给你脸了吗?

You are a mighty god, I give you face?

3 、我说你长得不像猪,是因为我怕得罪猪。

I said you doesn't look like a pig, because I am afraid to offend the pigs.

4 、没想打那么多年不见,你居然变得那么贱。

Didn't want to play so many years, you become so cheap.

5 、你想或不想,你的女神就在那里被别人想。

You want to or don't want to, you are the goddess of the there want to by others.

6 、**你当**舒服吗被人操够就回家洗洗睡吧

When you bitch whore are comfortable fucked enough to go home and wash sleep

7 、我真的不想再看到你这张现实魔幻主义的脸了。

I really don't want to see you again this Zhang Xianshi fantasy socialism's face.

8 、哥们儿,麻烦让一下,你挡着我的手机信号了。

Buddy, please let your I phone signal.

9 、人长得贱就算了,嘴巴还这么贱,活该你没人要。

People grow base calculate, the mouth is so mean, you want deserve no one.

1 0、我曾说你长的不是很帅,但你说至少你喷嚏打的响!

I said you long are not so handsome, but you said you sneeze to ring at least!

1 1 、整天在那汪汪叫,别人还以为是谁家的狗在乱吠呢!

All day in the bark, the other people who thought it was a dog barking in disorder!

1 2、你脸比你**大,癞蛤蟆插毛,你算飞禽还算走兽?

Your face is bigger than your ass, toad MAO, you calculate birds are animals?

1 3 、人都说人不要脸,天下无敌,我看你就无敌了。

People say "shame on you, unrivaled", I think you will be invincible.

1 4、你空白的大脑偶尔也思考这复杂的局势。你还想赢吗?

Your brain is blank occasionally think this complex situation. Do you still want to win?

1 5 、靠逼生活的淫贼给劳资去死,劳资看到你就浑身不爽。

Living on forced rogue to labor to die, see you entire labor.

16 、你人比黄瓜瘦,没有三两肉;皮比城墙厚,炮弹打不透。

You are thinner than cucumber, not three two meat; Skin thicker than the walls, the shells hit.

1 7 、难得难得到了神女的真传,伺候男人的本领果然不是一般的。

Rare rare to goddess chuan, wait on the man's ability was not normal.

19 、就你这样拉粑粑也拉的不纯粹,垃圾人也有拉出有机物的时候。

You so pull BaBa has not pure, garbage man has pulled out of the organic matter.


