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  • 自律者自强 自律作文


    自律者自强 自律是一把船桨,它帮助你劈波斩浪,到达理想的彼岸;自律是一盏明灯,它帮助你辨清世间繁芜,坚守前行的步伐;自律是一双翅膀,它帮助你迎风扶摇而上,到达成功的殿堂。自律是人生的必修课。唯有自律,方能自强。若舍自律,寸步难行。 娱乐圈当红... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 关于自律的作文


    关于自律的作文:健康生活从自律开始 随着初级阶段的主要矛盾转变为对美好生活的需求,人们开始在意与关注自己的生活是否健康。习近平总书记亦在许多场合都提倡健康生活。 但,人们地意愿向健康生活靠拢,他们是否真正付诸行动了呢? 从劝勉人们多读书学习的... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 文明观看电影 Self-controlled When Watch Movie


    New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 文明观看电影 Self-controlled When Watch Movie


    New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for... [ 阅读全文 ]
